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NPS surveys: your guide to unlocking customer happiness

Molly Murphy
A practical guide with everything you need to know for how to run successful NPS surveys to reduce churn, increase retention, and grow your business.

Email personalization gone wrong (and how to fix it)

Molly Murphy
Have you ever accidentally called someone by the wrong name? It’s embarrassing, right? When it comes to your marketing messages, the stakes are even higher: personalization gone wrong can quickly sour customer relationships. That’s why it’s crucial to follow best practices for email personalization as you build your camp…

Email dark mode: How to save your emails from the shadows

Naomi West
You don’t have much control over the issues presented by dark mode. But what you can do is follow best practices to show your emails in their best light.  

How to generate an “add-to-calendar” link for your emails

Naomi West
When attendees register for an event you’re hosting, a confirmation email is key in getting them to show up. But here’s a kicker—you can bump up your attendance rates even more by adding a little magic to your emails with an “add-to-calendar” link. You might think, “That sounds great, but my event platform already doe…

In-app messaging examples and best practices you won’t want to miss

Molly Murphy
There are many ways to communicate with your customers, but only one channel is guaranteed to reach them while they are actively engaged: in-app messaging. That’s likely one of the main reasons it was the fastest-growing channel in in 2023. Not only did the number of brands using in-app messaging swell, but t…

An introduction to the Liquid template language

Michael McDonnell
According to the State of Messaging Report 2023, 81% of brands find personalization important to their messaging strategy, and 73% say they plan on increasing their use of personalization tactics in 2024.  With more ways to connect with customers than ever, it’s no surprise that brands are turning to personalizat…

What is in-app messaging?

In-app is a powerful channel for reaching your customers with relevant messaging at precisely the right moment. Not only can it help you drive customers to engage more deeply with your brand, but it can close the loop on messages sent in other channels.  But what is in-app messaging, precisely? Also known as in-a…

Forwarded emails breaking? Here’s what to do

Your carefully designed HTML email lands in your customers’ inboxes looking pixel-perfect…and then they forward it. The text becomes messy. Pictures look damaged or resized. The spacing seems strange. Colors have changed. Even your call-to-action (CTA) buttons are broken. Yikes! What happened? Is it your HTML email co…

The ins and outs of message personalization with customer data

You know a lot about your customers—perhaps even more than you realize. From a customer’s name, language and location to their most visited page, purchase history, and app activity, the insights you can gather from your customer data are endless. It’s what you do with that insight that determines the depth of your custom…

Engage your audience with interactive emails using AMP

Rita Caetano
If you’ve ever received an email that allowed you to reply to a comment directly from your inbox or experienced the thrill of a web-like browsing experience within your email, you’ve encountered AMP for email in action! Welcome to the world of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), where emails become dynamic, interactive, and …