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Your guide to navigating the FCM deprecation 

Levi Bostian
If you’ve developed an Android app, chances are you’ve been using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to send push notifications. You may even use FCM on iOS, Flutter, React Native, Expo, browsers, and more. The service has long been the go-to option for push in so many applications that you might be using FCM and not even re…

What is in-app messaging?

In-app is a powerful channel for reaching your customers with relevant messaging at precisely the right moment. Not only can it help you drive customers to engage more deeply with your brand, but it can close the loop on messages sent in other channels.  But what is in-app messaging, precisely? Also known as in-a…

In-app surveys: smart strategies for product-led companies

Molly Murphy
Where do you talk to your customers the most? When are they thinking about you? It isn’t while browsing your website. It’s not when they check their email. It’s not even when you text them—it’s when they’re in your app.  So, it’s no wonder that in-app messaging was the fastest-growing channel in 2023, with a 187%…

How to create a mobile marketing strategy: 9 tips for success

Molly Murphy
Before every household had a computer and every consumer had a phone, brands had to rely on broad marketing efforts to reach their audiences. A TV ad during a popular TV show, a billboard on a busy street…old-school tactics got a brand’s message in front of millions of eyeballs. But often, only a tiny percentage of those…

Push notification metrics: How to measure performance

Slater Smith
Push notifications play a key role in mobile app marketing, and brands are taking note. According to our State of Messaging Report, there was a 49% year-over-year increase in brands using push to reach customers in 2023. That’s a significant leap—and a testament to the effectiveness of push notifications as a marketing t…

An introduction to mobile app personalization with in-app messaging

When your customer opens your mobile app, they’re stepping (virtually) into your company’s front door. You can leave them to meander on their own—but if you want deeper engagement, mobile app personalization is your chance to give them a VIP experience.  Imagine a customer walking into a store or office building….

Mobile messaging trends for 2024: What marketers need to know

Things are constantly changing in marketing. What might be a best practice one year has completely changed the next. That’s one of the reasons marketing is such an exciting field to work in. When you look at marketing trends year-over-year, you can see how innovation leads to disruption, action, and strategic transformat…

Your guide to personalized, multi-channel mobile onboarding 

Molly Murphy
Over 200 billion mobile apps are downloaded each year (source), yet 25% are opened only once (source). You spend a lot of time and money acquiring new customers, so how do you ensure your mobile app isn’t consigned to the dustbin? Effective mobile onboarding can make all the difference. When someone downloads your app…

What are push notifications? Your guide to mobile push

Molly Murphy
With the average inbox containing hundreds or thousands of unread emails and spam filters churning away, getting eyeballs on your marketing messages gets more and more difficult. That’s why push notifications are so powerful: they’re urgent, immediate, and highly visible. But they also come with some hidden pitfalls you’…