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How BallerTV used multi-channel personalization to up-level their marketing

Rachel Welt
Meet BallerTV, the leader in youth sports coverage with live streams, replays, and highlights of top youth sporting events. As a rapidly scaling business, BallerTV needs to reach various targeted audiences with precision timing across multiple channels to continue their growth. That’s where Cust…

Push notification metrics: How to measure performance

Slater Smith
Push notifications play a key role in mobile app marketing, and brands are taking note. According to our State of Messaging Report, there was a 49% year-over-year increase in brands using push to reach customers in 2023. That’s a significant leap—and a testament to the effectiveness of push noti…

An introduction to mobile app personalization with in-app messaging

When your customer opens your mobile app, they’re stepping (virtually) into your company’s front door. You can leave them to meander on their own—but if you want deeper engagement, mobile app personalization is your chance to give them a VIP experience.  Imagine a customer walking into a…

How to migrate from Segment to Data Pipelines: 4 steps for success

Matt Johnson
To fully harness the potential of your customer data, you need a customer data platform (CDP) that’s both flexible and powerful. That’s where Data Pipelines comes in. Whether you’re seeking scalable pricing and more control or are simply looking to consolidate your tech stack, Data Pipelines …

Mobile messaging trends for 2024: What marketers need to know

Things are constantly changing in marketing. What might be a best practice one year has completely changed the next. That’s one of the reasons marketing is such an exciting field to work in. When you look at marketing trends year-over-year, you can see how innovation leads to disruption, action,…

Forwarded emails breaking? Here’s what to do

Your carefully designed HTML email lands in your customers’ inboxes looking pixel-perfect…and then they forward it. The text becomes messy. Pictures look damaged or resized. The spacing seems strange. Colors have changed. Even your call-to-action (CTA) buttons are broken. Yikes! What happened…

Navigating the new email sending requirements for Google and Yahoo

Mike Auldredge
Updated 2/6/24 On October 3rd, 2023, both Gmail and Yahoo announced updates to their sender requirements to minimize the amount of spam received by users. These changes will go into effect in February 2024, marking a significant step in ensuring a safer and more secure email environment for a…

Dunning emails: tips, tricks, and a template for success

Alexa Hubley
Overdue payments. Outstanding invoices. Billing errors. What do all three have in common? For one, they’re contributors to churn—the nemesis of SaaS and subscription companies everywhere. But most importantly, they’re all easily mitigated by dunning emails. Dunning emails, also known as payme…

Bamboo doubled conversion rates: The power of multi-channel messaging

Rachel Welt
Meet Bamboo, an investment platform from Lagos, Nigeria. Their mission? To make investing simple, affordable, and accessible to all. As a dynamic startup, Bamboo juggles multiple audiences, an ambitious growth plan, and a need for a messaging automation tool that can keep up. Enter …

When is it okay to send an email without an unsubscribe link?

Pranav Kafle
When it comes to email unsubscribe laws, specifically the CAN-SPAM Act, a common question arises: “When can you send an email without including an unsubscribe link?”  Here at, we aim to help you adhere to all email laws and industry best practices. Beyond legal compliance, we…