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Don’t Get Funnel Vision: How to Preboard Your Customers To Success

Janet Choi
If you’ve never connected the dots between customer acquisition and user onboarding, you might have a problem. Why? Let’s start with the first five minutes of a typical user experience. For SaaS products, “somewhere between 40 and 60 percent of people who start a free trial will never log into th…

The Two-Stage Decision-Making Framework You Need to Know for Better Emails

Janet Choi
We all have our own ways of making decisions. The pro/con list. Gut instinct. Maybe you consult your trusty Magic 8 ball. But according to psychologists like Peter Gollwitzer, no matter what methods we use to make choices—big and small—there are two distinct phases of this process: Stage 1: Deli…

3 Behavioral Messaging Workflows to Improve Churn

Janet Choi
In 2013, Groove got serious about combatting churn. Customers were leaving at a higher rate than ever before, but Groove wasn’t sure why. After all, a customer who feels lukewarm about your product isn’t going to go out of their way to explain that their issue. So Groove wanted to reach out to at…

Supercharge Your Mobile App Engagement with Behavioral Emails

Behavioral email can take a back seat for mobile app marketers, who focus on communicating with people through in-app messaging, push notifications, or within the product itself. The problem with that strategy is that it relies on how much customers are using your app. And no matter how good you …

How to Leverage the Familiarity Principle in Emails

Which do you prefer, Coke or Pepsi? In blind taste tests, consumers regularly cast their vote for Pepsi. But here’s the catch: as soon as consumers knew they were drinking Coke, they preferred it more. When scientists studied why people picked Coke over Pepsi — even though they liked the taste of…

One Big Behavioral Economics Lesson for Email Marketers

Imagine you’re on your way to work and happen upon a pop-up coffee stand. They’re handing out free cups of coffee in exchange for feedback about the drink. There’s a table with the usual coffee-related complements like milk, cream, and sugar — but also some offbeat options like orange peel, sweet…

What Most Marketers Are Missing in Their Drip Emails

Janet Choi
Marketing is like gardening or farming. Whether it’s leads, new users, or paying customers — your job is to nurture newbies to develop into great big fans. Your job is to cultivate. It’s fitting that green-thumb marketers turn to drip campaigns, which relates back to the agricultural practice of …

The Persuasion Playbook for Email Marketers

Janet Choi
If you turn your Econ 101 textbook to the first page, you’ll find a definition of homo economicus: the economic man. It’s an old-school way to understand why people make the choices they do. This character is rational, self-interested, and thinks purely in terms of maximizing his utility. Nothing…

How to Create Webinar Invitations that Drive Registrations

Janet Choi
The webinar is the marketer’s party. Okay, these learning and lead-generation gatherings probably aren’t as fun without the punch bowl and perfect playlist — but at the planning stages, there’s the same fear. What if nobody shows up? For webinars (and, presumably, parties) — it all comes down to …

Why Email Marketing Powers Your Business

Janet Choi
Email is alive and kicking, wonderfully effective and still evolving, too. Yes, the many reports of email’s woeful death have been greatly exaggerated. In fact, email is the most effective channel for marketers in terms of return on investment. A 2015 report from the Direct Marketing Association …