Guide: Localizing Marketing for your Global Audience
Does your app/site have multiple languages or customer groups in various regions? If so, download this guide to identify the best ways to message your global audiences.
We’ll uncover some strategies to help your marketing team better engage each geographical segment plus localize all of your messaging campaigns.
Foundations – why understanding your global customers goes beyond channel performance & message types.
Customer data – gain insights on messages that resonate stronger in one region vs. another & optimize on the fly.
Building data-driven, global campaigns – Localization Strategy Checklist & Best Practices
Get the guide
“What really makes stand out is your focus on data. You make it easy to get the data we need, whether it’s sending it in or getting it out. The cherry on top is we can leverage our data to dynamically personalize our segmentation efforts and messaging.”
—Marc Messer, Director of Digital Marketing, Soundview Communication,