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Why You Should Use Video in Onboarding Emails

Combine video with email, and you have a powerful engagement system to unleash when onboarding new users. Why video is so effective and how to do it right.

5 Types of Engagement Emails to Nudge Users Towards Aha Moments

Janet Choi
Send triggered engagement emails to activate, retain, and increase users with these 5 tactics — instead of going silent or bombarding them with repetitious notifications.

How Increased its Trial to Paid Conversion Rate by 2.4x

How do you use drip campaigns to increase conversions from trial to paid? Find out how improved their conversion rate 2.4x with their onboarding emails.

When to Send Purpose-Driven Instead of Product-Driven Emails

Janet Choi
Product-driven emails can be counterproductive right when they’re most tempting to send. Here’s why you should send purpose-driven emails to welcome and onboard.

Optimize Your Welcome Emails With These 5 Templates

Overcome email-writer’s block with these 5 welcome email templates that you can start using today to boost engagement and conversions.

The Princess Bride Formula for Memorable Welcome Emails

The welcome email is your one shot at making an effective first impression. Use this surprising foolproof formula to set you apart.

5 Keys to Welcome Emails that Make Rewarding First Impressions

Welcome emails are vital to get right. Here’s how to craft engaging, effective welcome emails, based on how your brain processes first impressions.

How to Activate New Customers With the IKEA Effect

Activate and onboard new customers by harnessing the power of the IKEA effect. Here’s how to boost engagement and commitment to your product or app.

Battle the Forces of New User Inertia

Your product’s success turns on your ability to change people’s habits. Design their experience using triggered emails and Nir Eyal’s Hook Model of behavior change.

How to Get Your Customers to Love You

Emotional connections help brands not only engage customers but win over their hearts. Learn the 3 factors that create emotional affinity in your emails.