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Results are in: Teaser emails + blog posts. Are they worth doing?

After last week’s article: “Should you write blog posts or email newsletters?“, you might be wondering what happened with the experiment.

As a refresher… Newsletters and Blog Posts both have strengths:

  • Newsletters are awesome because you can push new articles to your readers who want to hear from you. You don’t need to franticly promote new content.
  • Blog posts are more easily sharable by readers. They are also indexed by google and findable in search.

Last week you received the article as a “Teaser” by email and the full content in a blog post.

I wasn’t a fan of teaser emails with excerpts. So I wrote you specific, new content. But basically, the structure was like the image below:

Last week vs This week

How did it work out?

Let’s look at a few different criteria so you can get a full picture:

  • Opens
  • Clicks
  • Replies
  • Pageviews
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • SEO Juice
  • Total no. of people who read the article

How many people opened the email?

Opens were not statistically different. In fact the opens were the highest of the past 5 emails you’ve received (by 0.1%).

If we can learn anything from the slightly higher open rate, it suggests that this topic is of interest to you.

How many people clicked through to the blog?

Since the content required you to click through, you might expect higher clicks.

1/2 of the people who opened the email clicked through

Overall, our clicks on this email were the highest ever by over double the closest email.

How many people wrote an email reply?

One of the best parts of sending the newsletter is getting your replies. Usually a quick note that you enjoyed it, or a question about how the newsletter applies to your business.

Replies suffered

There were 1/3 of the replies from the week before.

How many unique people viewed the article on the blog?

When sending the article by newsletter only, pageviews are zero so any additional traffic is a boost.

Relatively, this past week page views of the article were 12% of our overall traffic to

However, Unique page views were only 73% of unique opens of the email. So, in this case, fewer people viewed the blog post than opened the email.

How many people left a comment on the blog post?

With a newsletter, there are no comments. On the blog there were 5 comments. Some of the content on the blog represents people who would ordinarily reply to the email expressing themselves more publicly.

One of the replies on the blog was from Helder who wrote:

I think emails that are archived online for sharing/indexing are the best. I hate being “teased” into stuff. Either give me content, or don’t. It’s partial RSS feeds all over again.

Point taken! And the primary reason we’re sending the full content by email this week.

How many people shared the article on social networks?

After 1 week, you guys did a little sharing on social networks:

  • 9 tweets
  • 4 linked in shares
  • 2 google+

The post by no means went viral, but there seemed to be some casual sharing by people.

How well does the article rank in Google?

In incognito mode in Chrome (necessary to remove personalized results), I did a little googling.

Listing in search results

Searching for:

  • should you write a newsletter or blog post? – 1st position
  • blog post or newsletter? – 3rd position
  • newsletters or blog posts? – Page 2 🙁
  • should you write a newsletter – 2nd position

As an investment, there is long-tail value to having your content findable by people searching on the web.

How many people in total read the article?

This is where “success” gets a little fuzzy. I made a little chart to try to share it with you:

Email only vs. Teaser Email

What can you conclude?

This week instead of doing the teaser, I put the full content in the email with a link at the top of the email to “Read online” and a link at the bottom to “Add a comment”.

When you have people saying that it sucks to receive teasers, that’s a good data point.

The data supports that if the full content is in the email, more people overall may read it.

What do you guys think about the full article in the email vs. just a teaser?

Add your thoughts in the comments below. Or feel free to comment on Hacker News

Should you write blog posts or email newsletters?

Your time is limited.

You have to choose between writing a weekly blog post, or writing a weekly newsletter.

Will a blog post or newsletter be a bigger win for your business?

Benefits of writing a newsletter?

The #1 reason to write a newsletter is to strengthen your relationship with an existing audience.

Each time you write a newsletter and hit send, you have an immediate audience.

Newsletters are push instead of pull

When you run a blog, someone has to discover that there’s a new article EVERY TIME you post. Sure, there’s RSS, but let’s face it, only geeks subscribe to RSS feeds.

People who want to hear from you won’t remember to go regularly to your blog to see new articles.

Let’s say your target is to reach an audience of 1000 people who care about the problem your business solves.

With a newsletter, you can build an engaged audience of 1000 over time. Direct people to your newsletter sign up page. You can even start building interested readers before you write your first newsletter.

But, newsletters are not without their drawbacks. Blog posts address some of these drawbacks.

Benefits of writing posts on a blog

The #1 reason to write blog posts is to reach new people

Blog posts are more sharable

People often ask for an archive of our newsletters to share with friends. If you’re writing interesting content (and you should be), then people will want to spread it on twitter, linked in, and Facebook.

Blog posts are indexed by google

If you write articles and let’s say you write an article about “cylon flavored turkey gravy”. Chances are that when someone searches for that in the future they will find your article.

Hybrid approach: Blog + Newsletter

Can you have your pumpkin pie and eat it too?

There’s a pretty good chance you were directed here from our newsletter. It’s a new format we’re trying. I want show you how a few other companies handle the hybrid approach:

Zero-extra work: Feedburner Subscription

Rand Fishkin from SEO Moz has an email capture form on his website:

Get posts by email

Like Rand, you could use Feedburner, a service to let people subscribe to new blog posts.

A little extra work: Separate Email

Here’s a snazzy looking example from Help Scout:

Help Scout Weekly Email

They’ve done some extra work to prepare an image to use in the email along with a teaser.

They have a call to action to “Keep Reading” at the bottom of the email

An experiment you can learn from

Im going to share with you how it goes, but for the next few weeks, I’m going to try the hybrid approach.

I’ll let you know:

  • Do opens and clicks in the email take a hit?
  • Are people sharing the content more?
  • Is that driving more visibility and more signups to the email list.

My hypothesis is that this might be the best of both worlds.

Tell me what works for you:

Have you tried send an email newsletter? Or posting lots of blog articles?

Let me know in the comments below what your thoughts are on any of the three approaches, and what has worked for you.

Message Composing

Giving your customers their own support rep

A prospective customer gave us a cool use case yesterday. They said:

Every new customer has their own support rep. How can I send emails through so people receive them from their support rep?

This company is doing customer support the way we’d love to see all businesses do customer support. Can you imagine if you bought a new phone, and instead of the standard email “Welcome to mega-wireless corp” from, you got something like this:

Hi Colin,
Thanks for becoming our customer. I’m Janice and I work out of our Manhattan office. If you have any questions about your phone or plan, please send me an email or give me a call on 212-555-5555.
Thanks, Janice

That would be pretty great. Most of our customers care enough about their customers that they are willing to provide that level of service.

Last night, John created a sweet way to make it happen. You just send us a “Guru” name and email address for each customer. It doesn’t have to be guru. You can call your customer support folks whatever you want.


Then you just create a “From” address using liquid tags.

From Address

We’ll merge in the from address when we generate the email for that user.

Now, whenever people reply it goes to their “Guru” and they get the personalized support they deserve.

Brand Strategy

When should a CEO write support email?

Hi from Portland, Oregon! I’m attending XOXO Festival this week.

Over the weekend a story blew up about an email response from the CEO of Paypal. Andy MacMillan (one of the organizers of XOXO) had GBP £40,000 being withheld by Paypal, and try as he might, he couldn’t get it back.

So he asked the internet for help, and ultimately got this response from Paypal’s CEO:

Image of email from Paypal CEO

I’ve highlighted a few of the things that David Marcus, CEO of Paypal did in his email that were effective.

  1. Your problem = solved In the first sentence, he committed to making the problem go away & releasing the funds
  2. We’re under new managementTried to rebuild trust: New CEO, 5 months in. Things will be different.
  3. Help me, help you Told Andy his preferred path forward: Continue using paypal and tell me what’s wrong. I will make the product better for you.
  4. You’re our only hope More than that, your feedback will save all paypal customers.
  5. I care that your problem gets solved At least send me a one liner when you receive the money so I know when to stop making heads roll.
  6. Want my first born child? Here’s my mobile number – a gesture above and beyond. I know you’ll never use it but I want you to know Im serious.

Do you think this email from David Marcus is effective?

Around the net, it was met with quite a lot of skepticism. But in my read of the email, it struck me as a genuine attempt to right a wrong.

I’d love to hear from you. What’s your opinion on David Marcus’ response? And what other CEO email stories do you have?



P.S. If you’re in Portland, Oregon and will be attending XOXO, let’s grab coffee!

P.P.S Follow us on Angel list. Help us get visibility with investors to help us grow and keep writing this email.

How many people really use google’s mail (google apps + gmail)

Technology businesses and small companies increasingly use Google Apps to power their corporate email. Google Apps Email is just Gmail with the ability to swap in your logo and receive email on “”.

You know from previous newsletters that Gmail under-reports open rates because images are off by default.

But Gmail is actually also underreported in stats because so many recipients are using it and you wouldn’t know it…

How many people really use Google’s email Google Apps + Gmail? We had our data scientist run some numbers on almost 200,000 behavioral emails we’ve sent. And we were surprised at what we found.

So in reality over half of your recipients might have images off by default and underreport open rates.

What’s interesting about this is when we ignored volume and just looked at all the domains we’ve seen:

We’ve also found that people who sign up using their Google Apps email click are about 10.2% more likely to click on your email than regular Gmail users.

My guess is that people willing to sign up with their company email address are more qualified leads and therefore more likely to click. What do you think the reason is?

Understanding recipient data is just a drop in the bucket of what you need to know to make smart decisions about email for your company.

But how does what you do with email compare to other companies? 

Wouldn’t it be great if there was an email you could get next week to give you more insight into this?

Complete this short 7 question survey.

Fill it out and everyone wins.



P.S. Last week I helped a few people by proofreading emails and making suggestions. I actually like doing this, so if you want me to proofread something you wrote, please send it on with a note about when someone would receive it.

Email Marketing

How to get user feedback like a boss

Have you received a bad email from a company and clicked reply to give them feedback only to find that their email address is “”?

They’re CRAZY! You always want to encourage users to get in touch with you.

User feedback by email is the next best thing to sitting next to real users doing real user testing.

Let’s think about a situation that some of us are all too familiar with. Imagine you released a new feature but not a lot of people are using it.

How do you know if your version of the feature sucks, or if the feature isn’t appropriate for users of your app?

When people check out the feature, but don’t use it, email them and ask “why?”. You’ll know instead of guessing from looking at your metrics.

I’m not going to pretend like writing emails to gather feedback is easy, because it’s not. You’re asking a favor of the recipient, in exchange for making the product better for them. These emails are hard to write.

But the responses you’ll get will make it worthwhile.

Here are a few tips:

A few things you should not do

  1. Don’t punish people or express frustration that they haven’t set up your product
  2. Don’t nag. If you have multiple emails, increase the time from the last email with each additional email.
  3. Don’t ask people to do too many things at once. If you try to focus on one task to accomplish, they’re more likely to do it.

A few things you should do

  1. Use AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) to structure your email. We talked about it last week in The Lizard Brain — and email.
  2. Answer the question “Why is this good for me?” for your recipient (not for you). When asking someone to do something, why should they do it? Even better, show them.
  3. Be personable. Imagine you’re writing the email to a friend of your best friend. Someone you haven’t met yet, but you’ve heard great things about. A friendly message will go a long way.

Here’s an example I put together soliciting feedback about a feature of Pseudo Project

my email like a boss

Do you have a great email to solicit feedback? Or do you want help? Send me a copy. I’d be happy to give you feedback or feature it on

Until next week,


P.S. Wednesday is now email day, so look for an email from me next wednesday. Same-ish time. Same place.

P.P.S* Thanks to everyone who sent in emails you re-wrote using AIDA. I hope you’re enjoying reading “Ogilvy on Advertising”.

The lizard brain — and email

The human brain has three parts. But I’m just going to focus on one part today: The lizard brain. This is the oldest part of our brain. It takes care of our basic needs like remembering to breathe. It is where fight-or-flight decisions are made.

Understanding the lizard brain is really important if you’re writing emails

The lizard brain is the part of the brain that decides to open and read an email.

The lizard brain is the first responder. Imagine you’re crossing a busy street and you hear a car sound its horn. Your lizard brain causes you to turn in the direction of the noise. Your lizard brain helps you decide “Am I in danger”? This time, it’s safe.

Which part is the lizard brain

The lizard brain is hard at work when you’re scanning new emails in your inbox. The subject line “Account overdrawn” from your bank will probably set off alarms in your lizard brain. You should probably open it, read it and get that resolved.

But most companies like yours and mine will rarely be delivering messages of great urgency like a bank account being overdrawn.

And sending messages designed to alarm users into opening them gets tiresome quite quickly.

How should we stimulate the lizard brain?

Beyond responding to alarms, the lizard brain is also curious.

The lizard brain (when not sensing danger) is stimulated by the new or interesting.

Here’s an example

A dating tips mailing list (I sign up for A LOT of newsletters) sent me an email with this subject:

What never to say to a woman

My lizard brain couldn’t resist that email subject (even though I’m happily in a relationship).

But that’s just the subject line, what about the rest of the email?

I’ve found that a great way is to structure emails is to use a technique created before email by the wizards of direct mail. When you write emails, structure them emails using A.I.D.A. That stands for:


You’ve got 2 seconds to capture and hold the lizard brain’s attention. Use the subject line and the first few lines to suck them in.

“The human brain has three parts” is an example first line that captured your attention


This is where you educate the user and share the details of the email. Make sure to focus on the benefits to the reader. Don’t spend the whole time talking about you!

If you’ve made a feature update, talk about benefits of those features in the “interest” section.

If you’re trying to recruit people to an event, show them why they should go to the event and give them details the event – where it will be and when.


Write at least one line to build up to the action you want the reader to take.


  • “Your clients are going to personally congratulate you on the improvements we’ve made in this release”
  • “Tickets are going fast, and will increase by a dollar each day until they’re all sold out”


Try your best to limit what you’re asking people to do. Stick to one action per email.


  • “Log in and see the changes”
  • “Reserve your spot today”

I can’t wait to show you some of the emails I’ve written using AIDA.

This week see if you can stimulate some lizard brains.

Take a look at one of your emails and rewrite it by breaking it in to Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.


P.S. For 3 people who reply (before Monday) with an email broken down in to AIDA, I’m going to buy and send you a copy of “Ogilvy on Advertising”. This is a MUST READ if you want to stimulate lizard brains with compelling emails and website copy.

Email Marketing

How one company achieved a 55% click through rate

There’s a universal truth about people. A truth that Paul at “Circle CI” understands and has used to amazing effect in the welcome email he sent out. And it goes something like this…

When you were a child, you lived at the center of your universe. When you closed your eyes, everything disappeared. When you were hungry, you cried and food would appear. If you were too hot, you cried. Too cold, you cried.

Everything was you you you (or me me me since you’re you — boy that’s confusing).

When you became an adult you learned how to repress some of those urges. But they’re still there. YOU are still the center of YOUR universe.

Now, you and me… we’re savvy email people. When we receive emails, we don’t just care about ourselves, right? We just want cold hard facts and data and we can decide what solves our problems, right?


If doesn’t matter how smart your audience is or what your product or service is…

You’ll want a pen and paper to write this down. I’ll wait.

People don’t care about you. They only care about themselves

Think about that next time you write an email. Everything in your email should be about the reader and their problems, not about you and your company.

Here’s an awesome (short) example of this sent in by Paul from

Hey Colin,
Here’s your invite to the Circle private beta:

In 20 seconds, your code will be set up for Continuous Integration, and your first tests will have started running on our servers. It’s that easy!

Try it now:

Founder, Circle

PS I love to hear feedback, so please let me know what you think 🙂

Paul killed it with this email. The value to the user is so clear: In 20 seconds, the product will be working. And he delivers. We’re a customer of Paul’s. If you don’t know what Continuous Integration is don’t worry. It’s something that developers know they SHOULD do, but it’s a pain to set up and maintain yourself (kind of like the emails we power).

Paul’s service makes Continuous Integration easy to set up and he communicated that extremely well in the email.

As a result, Paul got a whopping 55% of people to click on the link to check out Circle CI. Pretty awesome, huh?

I want to help you achieve ridonkulously great results like Paul’s (55% click through!)

Need a little inspiration before I challenge you to apply some of these ideas?

I got you an awesome 10 minute video of Neville Medhora. Neville is a professional copywriter who writes copy for AppSumo. In the video with Andrew Warner of Mixergy, Neville breaks down and improves a company’s welcome email.

This is usually paid content and one of the videos in Neville Medhora’s Kopywriting Kourse. (There’s no referral link in there. I paid $89 for the course and it was well worth the money)

I begged, borrowed and stole from Neville to show this video to you. To respect his awesome course, you need to watch it before July 31st. We can’t keep it up forever.



P.S. If you’re among the first 50 people to reply with what you changed in one of your emails, I will give you a discount code for 40% off’s email service for 6 months to use when you sign up.

P.P.S. Neville let me use the video with permission. Please don’t send me DMCA takedown notices. The phrase “People don’t care about you, they only care about themselves” also came from Neville’s course.

P.P.P.S. Last week’s email on open rates had an open rate of 52%… our best ever!

Email Marketing

Gasp! We’re baring it all and exposing our open rates

Hello Friend,

Have you ever been to the beach and there’s that hairy guy with a big gold chain, wearing a speedo and showing just a little too much? 
For the faint of heart, turn away now because…

…this week’s email is all about open rate data. I’ll show you ours, ask to see yours, and I’ll cover a key metric: the email open rate, which is one way to gauge whether your users are engaging with your emails.

Most companies don’t write interesting emails. Just take a look at averages across industries.

Mailchimp publishes “Email Marketing Benchmarks”. Averages across different industries vary, but most industries have between 10 and 20% open rates on their marketing emails. The top industry is a mysterious “Other” with a 33.52% open rate.

I’m feeling a little nervous sharing this… but here are our email open rates for the past few emails.

Open rates on Customerio emails

We started off with a rate of 33% opens, equal to Mailchimp’s best performing industry segment. But by applying the advice experts have been giving and incorporating feedback from you, we’re now at open rates of 47% — nearly a 30% improvement!

If you’re relying on open rates as a key metric, it’s important to understand how they’re calculated.

So, how does almost every email provider calculate open rates?

A tiny invisible image, unique for every recipient, is placed somewhere in the email. So, when you send an email to and the image is accessed from the server, you know Tyrion opened the email. This works the same way across almost all email products. 

Tracking using an image works great except for one tiny problem…

Gmail turns images off by default and so do a few other email clients. As a result, open rates tend to be under-reported.

For example: A friend of mine runs Timehop (an awesome startup that sends a daily email about what you did on that day a year ago). They have A LOT of gmail users who also use iPhones. If these people receive the email before they get to work, there is a good chance they’ll open the email on their iPhone.

Here’s the tricky part: iPhones automatically load images. So their open rates report higher when the emails are sent early in the morning. But it would be wrong to conclude that more people are reading the emails.

Moral of the story: take the accuracy of open rates with a grain of salt. 

Consider where people will be when they receive your email, and what device they use to read your emails.

Do you get killer open rates on your emails?

Forward an example of one of your highly performing emails to It’ll just be between you and me unless you tell me:

  1. You want me to feature it on
  2. I can share it in the newsletter next week.

Do your open rates need improvement?

Great, let’s work on it together. Forward me an email you wish had performed better. Don’t forget to include some context about what purpose that email should have served.

Next time, I’ll share some common traits of high performing emails that we will all be able to learn from to kick our emails up a notch.

Before you move on to surfing reddit, hacker news or maybe doing some work, do me a huge favor. 

Forward ONE email you currently send to Let me know if it’s “killer” or “needs improvement”.

Until next time,


P.S. A few days ago I did a blog post about how I would re-write an email for Trello to improve readability. They read it and changed the email they were sending. My top tip is to set the width of your text emails to 550px max

I recently made that change on all of our text emails.

Writing killer subject lines

Hello Friend,

Last email I asked you what you wanted us all to learn about next. Here’s a little status update

  1. This time: Writing killer subject lines
  2. Next time (all going well): Email open rates (based on analysis of our own data)
  3. Later: Mapping out the emails your app should send

I can’t wait for the Email Open Rates newsletter. We have a great data scientist working to uncover gems of information in our data… But this email is about writing killer subject lines

I used to be bad at writing copy. So bad that at my last job, we hired someone to compensate for my poor skills.

If you’re anything like me, when you’re bad at something you want to get better. About 8 months ago, I learned about a series of Ebooks from CopyHackers. I read them cover to cover. If I’ve gotten better at copywriting, it’s because of these books as well as lots of practice and experimentation.

When you guys said you wanted to learn more about subject lines, I knew I had to speak with Joanna Wiebe, copywriter extraordinaire and founder of

Joanna kindly broke down subject lines into her Top 5 things to think about when writing subject lines. We got a little excited about talking to Joanna and decided to record our conversation. So click on the 3 minute video and if you want to learn subject line kung fu like Neo in the Matrix. Or read on for the text version of Joanna’s wisdom:

Here are Joanna’s 5 things to think about when writing subject lines

  1. The Basics
  2. The Trigger
  3. What’s in it for them
  4. Friend-ness and Relevance
  5. Context

So let’s dig in to what Joanna recommends (note: I’ve paraphrased a few lines, but these great ideas are hers not mine):

1. The Basics

  • Use the brand name somewhere in the line, even if it’s in the From line
  • Stick to 50 characters with spaces – or less (unless you have data that suggests longer headlines work better)
  • Don’t use title case but rather use sentence case
  • Avoid overtly spammy words, or more than 1 spammy word
  • Mirror the subject line in the email headline

2. The Trigger – Why is someone getting the email?

  • Are people expecting this email or aren’t they?
  • How long ago did they ask for this email?

3. What’s in it for them?

  • In a newsletter, what’s intriguing, timely or curious about the subject?
  • If it’s an enticement to upgrade, what’s the offer? When does it end? What new highly desirable feature should I want to get?
  • If this is a “welcome” email, what will make them feel welcomed? Do they event want to feel welcomed, or do they just want access to your free ebook?

4. Friend-ness and Relevance

How can you make the email look like it’s from a trusted source who understands them, not from a company with an agenda? Get strategic about:

  • Personalization
  • Recent behaviors (e.g. “you just signed up”)
  • Time since we last spoke (e.g. “It’s been a while, Sarah”)
  • lowercase, like a friend would write.
  • Tone
  • Avoiding creepiness! How do you know so much about me? If an email gets triggered from inside an app, what level of detail should you share with me in the subject line?—When does it get creepy?

Or, if they consider your brand a friend then use your brand voice. Good examples of this are and Kate Spade

5. Context

Remember, you’re trying to get noticed in the midst of a massive inbox (in many cases) filled with competing messages from invited and uninvited people. You must consider context in all copywriting, and subject lines are no different.

Thanks Joanna Wiebe for chatting with us.

Listen to the audio (15 mins).

Want this newsletter to have more issues with audio and video? Let me know. It’s a little more work, but you guys are worth it.

  • Colin