Tracked Responses

How it works

When you set up actions in your messages, the Track clicks option is enabled by default. This option tells to record when people use an action—like when they dismiss a message or tap a button. This helps you understand how people respond to calls to action in your messages—like what survey option they engage with, whether they close the message without responding, and so on.

When you run a campaign or send a broadcast, the Tracked Responses section in the metrics tab shows responses for each action that had Track Click enabled.

Action names and tracked responses

An Action determines what happens when a person taps an element in your message. We record the Action Name for the actions users tap in metrics and dashboards. That means that you should set an Action Name that will make sense when you look at your responses later.

It may make sense to set the Action Name to the button text for actions in your message, so that your actions and the parts of your message that people engage with are easy to identify.

set up your microsurvey
set up your microsurvey

Custom action names and button text

If you customize button text in messages with variables (like $properties.button_text, exposing a field called button_text when you use the message in a campaign or broadcast), you probably want to use the same variable for both the Action Name and button Text. That way, the value you set for the button text will be the same as the tracked response value!

 You can also listen for actions in your app

If you want your app to handle in-app responses in special ways, like toggling a setting when a user engages with a message, you can listen for action names in your app.

set up your microsurvey
set up your microsurvey

Enabling and disabling tracked responses

When you add an Action block, you’ll see the *Track Clicks option. Enable or disable this option to enable or disable tracked responses for a particular action.

track responses for an action
track responses for an action

Tracked responses in campaigns and broadcasts

When you run a campaign or send a broadcast, the Tracked Responses section in the metrics tab shows responses for each action that had Track Click enabled. Responses are broken down by message and action name, helping you understand how your audience responded to your messages and microsurveys.

track responses in your campaign
track responses in your campaign
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