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The two most important lines in your email are…

…the subject line and the first line of the email. Like peanut butter and jelly, your subject line and first line belong together. And if you pair them well they can work wonders for your open rates. First, let’s look at a bad subject line + first line You’ve probably seen what a bad first line l…

How are you different?

You’ve been asked the question your entire life: How are you different? Before you got in to college, each college asked you cleverly worded essay questions. They wanted to know “How are you different?”. Each college compared you against all the other applicants. Some of those other folks didn’t …

You’ll do great things with email this year:

Colin Nederkoorn
What will you have accomplished when we sit here together next year? Will you be proud of the work you’ve done? Will you be proud of the help you’ve given? If I asked you on January 2nd, 2012 what you would accomplish in 2012, would you be able to tell me? I certainly couldn’t. In 2012, I was hon…

The Surprise Personal Email

I want to show you a neat little email you could start sending today. You could call it the “surprise personal email”. It usually comes from someone high-up in an organization. Someone you wouldn’t expect to take the time to email you. To see this email in action, you could sign up for a trial at…

Rules of thumb for writing emails

What are your rules of thumb for writing emails? Do you have any? Or do you just write stream of consciousness every time? Over time, I’ve come up with about 57 rules of thumb that I follow. But I want share just 5 really important rules of thumb with you today. 1. Write like you speak It took m…

Put your readers first to win at content marketing

I’ve been anxiously waiting for today to share our results from last week with you. tldr; When you write an article, sending the full content by email with a link to the blog post is a great experience for your reader (and might be best for you too). What we’ve learned so far If you just signed u…

Results are in: Teaser emails + blog posts. Are they worth doing?

Colin Nederkoorn
After last week’s article: “Should you write blog posts or email newsletters?”, you might be wondering what happened with the experiment. As a refresher… Newsletters and Blog Posts both have strengths: Newsletters are awesome because you can push new articles to your readers who want to hear fro…

Should you write blog posts or email newsletters?

Your time is limited. You have to choose between writing a weekly blog post, or writing a weekly newsletter. Will a blog post or newsletter be a bigger win for your business? Benefits of writing a newsletter? The #1 reason to write a newsletter is to strengthen your relationship with an existing …

Giving your customers their own support rep

A prospective customer gave us a cool use case yesterday. They said: Every new customer has their own support rep. How can I send emails through so people receive them from their support rep? This company is doing customer support the way we’d love to see all businesses do customer…

How we’re doing – six months in

Doing business with a new company is a two sided proposition and you should be aware of the risks and rewards. On the plus side, you’ll probably get a personal reply from me, the CEO if you write me an email. We’re building a product to serve you and your needs will have a higher influence over w…