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User retention emails – 3 examples that keep customers coming

At, we think of user retention emails as the emails that get automatically triggered when a user doesn’t do something. For example, sending an email encouraging the user to upgrade if they haven’t upgraded their account. Or an email with a reminder a day later to complete check out when a users adds an item to their cart but doesn’t check out.

Paul Stamatiou’s excellent article goes in to detail about lifecycle marketing and user retention as a service. In it, he had a hard time coming up with examples of user retention done well.

Here are a few examples I’ve seen in the wild.


I got the following retention email from dropbox after I viewed but didn’t upgrade to Dropbox for Teams.

Dropbox reaches out if you look at the dropbox for teams page

I love‘s hosted chat. When I didn’t update my subscription, they have a couple of notices to encourage me to do so.

Grove encourages updating your subscription


Ready for zero requires users to connect to their bank accounts. This is a pretty big hurdle to overcome for most users. Either you don’t have the account info or you’re reluctant to hand it over.

Ready for zero recognized I didn't finish signing up

We believe that companies with automatic retention emails convert better. That’s why we’re making automatic retention emails a lot easier to create and manage.

Interested to see lots of other email examples? Check out: