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Clarifying our privacy policy

A prospective customer had some questions about how we handle your end-user PII (the data about the people who use your app or site). Our privacy policy wasn’t as clear as it could have been.

We want to try and convey:

Your data is your data. You’re just storing it in so we can use it to provide you a service.

To provide you with service, we need to share some things that are end-user PII with third parties. For example we need to share someone’s email address with our partner Sendgrid in order send an email to them. But there’s no way in heck we’re ever going to be doing sketchy things like selling your data!

We worked with our lawyer to update the language and make it clearer.

Clearer language about how we use PII

Our Privacy Policy, Terms of Service and Anti-Spam Policy are also mirrored in Github so you will be able to see the history of changes to those docs going forward.


Here’s the difference between the old and new Privacy Policy.

30 days notice by email before future changes

You may have noticed a banner at the top of your account alerting you to the change of the privacy policy. In addition to that banner we’ll also be emailing you 30 days in advance of a change.

Thanks for trusting us with your data. Please let me know if you have any questions about privacy or terms of the service.
